Year: 2010

  • Antidote to the Y.S.Y.D.S. game

    If my book is never published and never read, I can keep torturing myself by playing out ridiculous fantasies where: a) It’s praised as “the voice of our generation,” “a cunning retelling of a classic love story gone awry,” and “San Francisco’s best tale since Tales of the City.” OR (still in my head, that…

  • Nighttime in Rockridge Country

    It’s dark out here in Rockridge Country. I walked home from the Bart one night after we’d just moved to Oakland. It was 9:10 pm. I walked down a street–I don’t know, Lawton? I’d heard about frequent muggings of Rockridge commuters, but having just left night-buzzing San Francisco, I wasn’t thinking it was late, or…

  • Let’s Fight!

    “Let’s fight!” he’ll say, growling as he advances. He’s two. I’ve just walked in the door from a long day at work. He holds a plastic golf club like a rifle, which is pointing at me.

  • Love, Love, Love, Love…Crazy Love

    I went to an old girlfriend’s house last night, and heard a fantastic tale of her meeting someone and being instantly, deeply attracted and completely connected to him. They had a weekend–just two days–in which they met, danced, talked, ate and had mind-blowing sex. They felt fantastically comfortable with and appreciative of one another. So…

  • Writing a novel: why, how, and what now

    I’ve always wanted to be a novelist. Just before my thirtieth birthday, I had a frightening realization: I could be one of those people who never did what they wanted to do! If I didn’t start, the story that was in my head wouldn’t get written. I’d just keep working for my whole life and…

  • 10+ years after the advent of blogging

    Ahem. It was back in 2000 that I had the idea for a fictional blog to accompany a novel I hadn’t yet written. I did the information architecture for the website. My friend Dan Simmons designed it in 2003. As part of the process, he listened to me blather about the characters and intention of…